Sunday 29 May 2011

Project Breif

Last year, you came up with a 'pretend' business plan that you pitched in a 'Dragons' Den' type set up. In level 3 you will instead do something very hands-on. Again, you will look at trends and do market research but this time you will use these insights to design and produce actual products and services.Your task is to create something that will bring you revenue, an enterprise related to your discipline or interests.

Whatever enterprise you decide to work on, it:
- Should potentially bring revenue (or a confirmed purchase order) before the end of the course (so no abstract businesses)
- Be approved at Formative Assessments
- Be presented in a professional manner and be representative of you as a creative professional: ideally it will be a useful addition to your portfolio or CV so don't waste the opportunity.

This project is a chance to meet and network with people who may influence your future and last but not least an opportunity for you to make some cash!

As soon as you have come up with a business idea and have decided whether to work on your own or in a group, you will write a brief project plan based on the project plan template below to include time line and budget. This needs to be handed in by the 28th of April so that the we can assign a tutor/assessor to you for Formative and Summative Assessments. At the end of the project you will use this initial project plan in order to analyse your endeavour and compare it with the actual results- you will discuss these with your tutor and fill out a project report. Perhaps you ended up with a completely different product or service having gained market insight? Maybe you surpassed your targets? Miscalculated the time needed for the tasks set?

You will describe your learning journey through an individual online (b)log which you are expected to update at least once a week. Logs can be concise and mainly visual or more text based/ storytelling. They can be an internal affair (password protected) or form part of your marketing. You will make notes yourself on the feedback you receive at formatives and include this on your (b)log. As part of your submission at the end of term, you'll hand in a link to your learning log. For marking purposes, make sure you keep your blog online until marks have been received

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